Poker Ramblings of cmitch

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I finally finished the 15k hand experiment (5k hands of 2 tables, 5k hands of 3 tables, and 5k hands of 4 tables - all 200 nl full ring).

As a few people pointed out, 15k hands isn't really going to tell me anything. The main reason for the experiment was to work on staying disciplined and focused and work on my game. I spent more time than every taking notes, really thinking out hands both during and after sessions, focusing my energy on trying to always play my "A" game, and deciding not to play when I shouldn't. I still have a little trouble playing when I shouldn't (I think most people do)

It took longer than I thought mainly due to a very busy April (work, sister's wedding, family stuff, etc, etc)

I'll post a follow up with more in depth thoughts on the things I worked on next week, but here are the results.

1st 5k hands 200 nl fr - 2 tables only
Hands - 5,001
Amount Won - $47.15
ptbb/100 - 0.24

2nd 5k hands 200 nl fr - 3 tables only
Hands - 5,001
Amount Won - $1,413.35
ptbb/100 - 7.07

3rd 5k hands 200 nl fr - 4 tables only
Hands - 4,976
Amount Won - $812.15
ptbb/100 - 4.08

Overall result of all 15k hands 200 nl fr
Hands - 14,978
Amount Won - $2,272.25
ptbb/100 - 3.79

And the Graphs:

1st 5k hands 200 nl fr - 2 tables only

2nd 5k hands 200 nl fr - 3 tables only

3rd 5k hands 200 nl fr - 4 tables only

Overall result of all 15k hands 200 nl fr

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