Poker Ramblings of cmitch

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It was a tough final table, but I somehow managed to squeak my way to a win after a long final 3 with surflexus and blinders.

I'm excited about playing in the BBToo TOC Australian Freeroll.

I'll try to post more tomorrow. I've got a long day of work tomorrow - gotta head to bed

12 responses to "MATH Win!! BBToo TOC here I come"

  1. See, like I said, lucksac.


    Mike Maloney

  2. I've started my Dr. Pauly plan of staying up later in prep for Vegas so I was able to stay up and see the whole final table finish up. I really thought I was headed for a final table until that tough hand with fuel.

    Man, from what I can recall, you played a patient, but strong ass game.

    If you look back on your HH's, I think you will see that diamonds aren't just a girls bestfriend...

    Excellent job.


  3. Great job, cmitch! I knew you were going to win one of these BBTwo ToC seats did I not? Very well played and I'm glad you took the whole thing down.

    Hammer Player a.k.a Hoyazo

  4. well done. GL in the TOC!


  5. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  6. Great job last night. I was not very happy running into you and Surf for the final three, but tried my best to hang in there. Where is a 14 year old posing as a blogger when you need it?


  7. Congratulations. Way to fight long and hard after there were 3.


  8. Very nicely done cmitch! Congrats.

    Alan aka RecessRampage

  9. congrats!


  10. Well done sir.


  11. Very well done sir! You played a great game!


  12. Glad to see you put my chippies to good use. Congrats!
