Poker Ramblings of cmitch

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I knew that I was going to have a busy week since I am heading to LV next week. I didn't realize how busy it would be until I got a phone call on Saturday morning.

Client: "I've got good news for you. You know that unused plane ticket that you have? You are going to be able to use it.

Me: "Ummm.... Ummmm....." - trying to think of an out for a situation where I knew I was drawing dead.

Client: "We need you to fly to CA with us Tuesday and you can fly back Friday afternoon."

Me: "alkfdj;askfjadskl;fjadskl;fj;adsklf. I mean, OK, sure, no problem." :(

I'm not sure how much online poker I will be able to play (if any) between now and the BBT TOC. I probably won't get a chance to post much either, unless I whip up a post on the airplane. I want to put together some odds for the TOC, so I can put some thought into my opponents.

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